Meeting Minutes 07/17

5 July 2017 / 7:40 PM / The Manifestorium


Members: Tonka, Dan, Rusty, Jerrett, Bryan, Brian, Zack, Stephen, Michael, Kevin, Kevin

Voting Members

Jefferson, Stephen, Jason, Zach, Bryan, Jarrett, Rusty, Brian, Dan


Abbys Report – Anna Mae Series

  1. Pride
  2. 4th of July Parade
  3. Other house events
  4. Founders day – July 30th
    1. Car wash?
  5. UNPC
    1. We need to start ensuring that someone is on the UNPC calls and they know 12hrs in advance.

Co-Abbys — TonkaBell

  1. Name Tags
    1. Drafts are in
    2. Magnet rounded 8-0-0
  2. Drag race 7-9
    1. 3 sisters to mediate line
      1. Mimi, Lusty, Bryan
  3. Manifestorium
    1. We are very lucky to have a place to do this and be comfortable. Be respectful of this space and any space that we are in.
  4. ICP Ball – July 30th
    1. PLEASE R.S.V.P. on the Facebook Event
  5. Meeting Minutes
    1. They need to be uploaded to the website

Treasurer — Dan

  1. 501(c)(3) Submission
    1. We need to finish our Narrative. We suspect we will have it done by Sunday.
    2. Long form was completed because it has been so long since we have been incorporated
    3. Officers, please give Rusty your mailing address for the form
  2. Bank Account

Secretary — Shay D’Arcade

  1. Minute Approvals – skip
  2. Thank You Card – Dan will send me an address in which to send this card.

UNPC Call Updates — Charity Balls

  1. We received one question from St Louis extending an open invitation to our house to visit.
  2. Many houses have thanked us for visiting and said they enjoyed us!

Mistress of Novices

  1. We have 5 potential aspirants (4 present)
    1. Alex: Bearly Clearance
    2. Westley: (Enjoys Geology)
    3. K’lief: Lika Rish Whipps
    4. Ron: (Enjoys Music)
  2. Check with Zach about making sure the Mentor

Policies and Procedures

  1. On a break and we will resume next week



Old Business


New Business

  1. Bryan would like to appoint Tonkabell as the official media spokesperson.
  2. All correspondences need to go through our official email.
  3. Thoughts on editing/vamping the website
    1. Tonka moves to create a Web Mistress position. Zach 2nd. Unanimous.
    2. Brian appoints Dan to the position


Events Pink = Official

  1. Suicide is a drag – July 21st
  2. Louisville Leather – July 22nd
  3. Bike run – July 22nd
  4. Boot Black appreciation night – July 14th
  5. Old Street turn around – July 29th
  6. Molly’s coronet idea!

Novice Projects *done

  1. Last Supper – Tonka – 6/27*
  2. Face Off – Charity Balls – Monthly no face events
    1. 1.0 After pride spa night*
    2. Dinner/bowling or Drinking/driving or Escape room
  3. Calendar – Anna Mae – Finalized 9/15
    1. Please sign up for your month. You can find them on the Facebooks
  4. Camping – Molly Mormon
    1. October 20th-22nd
  5. Suicide is a Drag – Rusty
  6. Prayer Cards – Tugger
  7. Logos and branding – Bolt
    1. Zach moves. Tonka second. 8.0.0

Meeting adjourned 09:07