Meeting Minutes 07/17
5 July 2017 / 7:40 PM / The Manifestorium
Members: Tonka, Dan, Rusty, Jerrett, Bryan, Brian, Zack, Stephen, Michael, Kevin, Kevin
Voting Members
Jefferson, Stephen, Jason, Zach, Bryan, Jarrett, Rusty, Brian, Dan
Abbys Report – Anna Mae Series
- Pride
- 4th of July Parade
- Other house events
- Founders day – July 30th
- Car wash?
- We need to start ensuring that someone is on the UNPC calls and they know 12hrs in advance.
Co-Abbys — TonkaBell
- Name Tags
- Drafts are in
- Magnet rounded 8-0-0
- Drag race 7-9
- 3 sisters to mediate line
- Mimi, Lusty, Bryan
- 3 sisters to mediate line
- Manifestorium
- We are very lucky to have a place to do this and be comfortable. Be respectful of this space and any space that we are in.
- ICP Ball – July 30th
- PLEASE R.S.V.P. on the Facebook Event
- Meeting Minutes
- They need to be uploaded to the website
Treasurer — Dan
- 501(c)(3) Submission
- We need to finish our Narrative. We suspect we will have it done by Sunday.
- Long form was completed because it has been so long since we have been incorporated
- Officers, please give Rusty your mailing address for the form
- Bank Account
Secretary — Shay D’Arcade
- Minute Approvals – skip
- Thank You Card – Dan will send me an address in which to send this card.
UNPC Call Updates — Charity Balls
- We received one question from St Louis extending an open invitation to our house to visit.
- Many houses have thanked us for visiting and said they enjoyed us!
Mistress of Novices
- We have 5 potential aspirants (4 present)
- Alex: Bearly Clearance
- Westley: (Enjoys Geology)
- K’lief: Lika Rish Whipps
- Ron: (Enjoys Music)
- Check with Zach about making sure the Mentor
Policies and Procedures
- On a break and we will resume next week
Old Business
New Business
- Bryan would like to appoint Tonkabell as the official media spokesperson.
- All correspondences need to go through our official email.
- Thoughts on editing/vamping the website
- Tonka moves to create a Web Mistress position. Zach 2nd. Unanimous.
- Brian appoints Dan to the position
Events Pink = Official
- Suicide is a drag – July 21st
- Louisville Leather – July 22nd
- Bike run – July 22nd
- Boot Black appreciation night – July 14th
- Old Street turn around – July 29th
- Molly’s coronet idea!
Novice Projects *done
- Last Supper – Tonka – 6/27*
- Face Off – Charity Balls – Monthly no face events
- 1.0 After pride spa night*
- Dinner/bowling or Drinking/driving or Escape room
- Calendar – Anna Mae – Finalized 9/15
- Please sign up for your month. You can find them on the Facebooks
- Camping – Molly Mormon
- October 20th-22nd
- Suicide is a Drag – Rusty
- Prayer Cards – Tugger
- Logos and branding – Bolt
- Zach moves. Tonka second. 8.0.0
Meeting adjourned 09:07