In the beginning, there was nothing but darkness. Out of nowhere, in a glittery explosion, burst forth Sister Melody Withe-Litaday. Since that fateful day, Sister Melody has made it her personal mission to bring joy and chaos wherever she goes, armed with her oboe, a makeup brush, and whatever trash she finds in her purse. Sister Melody loves to foster connection in her community. You can find her mingling with crowds of all sorts. Sometimes it’s the hot leather dads, or that beautiful non-binary cutie in the corner, or even the pack of pups looking for scritches. Sister Melody continues to roam the Earth to this very day reminding everyone that they are loved, and add value to this world just be being who they are.

Sign: Gemini
Favorite Quote: “Kindness is free. Sprinkle it everywhere!”
Sisters who have inspired you: Sister Mish, Sister Glamarama DingDong, Sister Bearonce Knows