Meeting Minutes 09/17

30 August 2017 / 7:44 / Manifestorium house


Jason Nero, Bryan Donner, Zach Bellman, Rusty Locket, Jerrett, K’leif, Jefferson Ely, Molly, Milyka

Guests: Les, K’leif, Wes, Alex, Ron, Fag-lady



  1. Pride Night
    1. 5:15 pm table shift
    2. 30 minute shifts
      1. Tonka/K’leif 5:30
      2. Milyka/Alex 6:00
      3. Jerret/Les 6:30
      4. Bryan/Wes 7:00
  2. Exiquator and making registrations
    1. The information is on the Facebook Page
  3. Bourbon Bear contest is Saturday. Please contact Bryan

Co-Abbys — TonkaBell

  1. Name Tags
  2. Please be sure that your veils are white, but you are allowed to show personality
  3. Coronation — Oct 7, 10a-3p
    1. Hospitality Suites
  4. PrEP Panels

Treasurer — Dan

  1. The check from the court is in the mail
  2. Needle exchange – $238
  3. 501(c)(3)
  4. Bank Account

Secretary — Shay D’Arcade

  1. Past Minutes Approvals
  2. By-law revision for formatting
  3. Current Minute Approvals
  4. Board Minutes

UNPC Call Updates — Charity Balls

  1. UNPC call updates – 2 attendies
  2. Voting
    1. Remind that notes are encouraged especially for nos

Mistress of Novices

  1. 4 Elevations
    1. Wes, Alex, Ron, K’leif
  2. Mother Sister Pairings
    1. Wes/Rusty
    2. Alex/Tonka
    3. Ron/Zach
    4. K’leif/Milyka


Old Business

  • Web Mistress assignment.
    • Given that Molly has shown interest. The Board will appoint Molly after discussing the assignment with Dan. Bryan will discuss with Dan this week.
  • Motion to make MON an official board member.
    • We will appoint the MON as well as the Webmistress as Offices of the Board in the Policies and Procedures
    • Tugger moved; Tonka seconded. 9.0.1. Passed
  • Policies and Procedures
    • Draft has been completed
    • PNP will be posted to Google Documents to allow for commenting by the GM meeting on the 9/6
  • Rusty moves to change out purpose on our articles of incorporation to be more in line to that of the IRS.
    • Revisit with Rusty at GM

New Business

  1. Tugger has resigned as Secretary
    1. Bryan has opened nominations
    2. Board has selected Rusty as the interim Secretary
  2. Rusty moves for a special point of order. Tugger second.
    1. Constructing the agenda is the job of the President
    2. How do we encourage participation

Novice Projects

  • Grimoire – Passes 10:0:0
  • Molly – we’re committed to glamping. Finding alternatives
    • October 21/22

Tugger moves to close. Molly 2nd.