Meeting Minutes 08/17

2 August 2017 / 7:35 PM / TSIDAS house


Rusty, Tonka, Tugger, Jerrett, Zach, K’lief, Zac, Stephen, Les, Brian, Westley, Ron, Kevin, Alex





Abbys Report – Anna Mae Series

  1. Louisville
  2. Louisville Exiquator – September 16th
  3. Blessing on Saturday Mr Gem City Bear
  4. Sistory

Co-Abbys — TonkaBell

  1. Communication
  2. Name Tag
    1. Waiting on the quote from the supplier

Treasurer — Dan

  1. 501(c)(3) Submission
    1. Itemized submission of our funds (Financial Statement)
  2. Bank Account
    1. Application has been submitted

Secretary — Shay D’Arcade

  1. Minute Approvals
    1. Make naming changes for consistency
    2. Make updates as provided by Rusty
  2. Thank You Card (SENT)

UNPC Call Updates — Charity Balls

  1. This UNPC call was missed
  2. The next UNPC call is on the 21st
    1. Get any updates in before noon on the 18th

Mistress of Novices

  1. Event Participation
  2. Lunches
  3. Standards
  4. We would like to welcome Les as an official Aspirant

Policies and Procedures

  1. Draft went up 7/24


Old Business

  • Web Mistress (Tabled)

New Business

  1. Motion to make MON an official board member.
    1. Tonka moves. Jerrett second.
    2. Tugger moves that we table our discussion until bylaws can be changed. Zach 2nd. 8.0.0.
  2. Policies and Procedures
  3. Rusty moves to change out purpose on our articles of incorporation to be more in line to that of the IRS. Tonka 2nd. Motion passes. 8.0.0


Events Pink = Official

  1. Cincinnati Leather August 18-20
  2. Tristate leather November 17-19
  3. Pride night – September 8th
  4. Louisville Lexington September 15-17
  5. Bourbon Bear September 16
  6. Gem City Bear August 5

Good Of The Order

  • We need board Minutes
  • We need to not be late
  • We need to be social publicly

Novice Projects *done

  1. Last Supper – Tonka – 6/27*
  2. Face Off – Charity Balls – Monthly no face events
    1. Keep eyes open for the next event
  3. Calendar – Anna Mae
    1. We will start this NEXT WEEK
  4. Camping – Molly Mormon
  5. Suicide is a Drag – Rusty*
  6. Prayer Cards – Tugger
  7. Logos and branding – Bolt*

Meeting adjourned 09:28