Minutes 110316

Meeting Minutes Cincinnati sister house 6:58 pm, 11/3/16 Brian’s house Present: Tonka, Brian, Les, Zach, Dorian, Bolt, Seth, Tugger, Jerret, Jacquelyn Called to order: 7:05pm

OLD BUSINESS: Novice colors all white-no colors until professed.


need 6 constant members, interact more online in the group (WERE WATCHING YO ASSES!)

RSVP to events in the group so we can be specific.

working on a phone list for points of contact.

current contact is Bryan Patrick (Anna Mae)

Have funnnnnnn!

the cabaret gave us a table discount, use it in face though!

Les is a new nomination for treasurer! (yas queen!)

suggested to change the names of office roles to make them seem more fun ex: president- mother superior, madam commander ect…. discussed spreading out tasks to multiple people to not drown others in a lot of duties.

A core board is not required to be approved for mission status and was tabled to be put on hold until we are a mission house: motion to table approved

Rotating point of contact for Sister manifestations for events we attend (event host “the pussy wrangler”)

to be involved you have to participate and be involved in the progression the house.

Tugger asked for cheese. Get her cheese. *dick squeak*

new business:

The empress wants to be sure we have 3 or 4 sisters there to manifest for Queen City leather.

(Tugger got her cheese. )

went over primer for mission house application

the UNPC (united nun privy counsel) is our guide to mission status, we can’t actually say were a Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence or SPI due to copyright until we are mission status (OOPS!)

until then use things like “Cincinnati sisters” just don’t add “of perpetual indulgence”.

two options for mission status-

Fast route: have a running site and everything ready by the 10th of November 2016

Slow pace: would be by December of 2016

mission status primer:


2 discover the best ways to manifest your sister side that you’re happiest with! enjoy the creativity,

3 Get to know yourself, why do you personally wish to do this? communication is key! But what do we want our main ministry to be? Try building personal relationships outside the bars.

4 what to work on to prep for mission status: we’re passing those qualifications (yay!) (Seth wanted cheese)

house broaches to signify us? Ideas?

Argued about waffle fries. we really did. Some days somebody gonna make you wanna gobble up a waffle fry.

tonka loves hate nuggets. mmmm hate.

Dorian was our food boy (love you, mean it)

start thinking of charities to help and donate time to.

start thinking of our own habit ideas, currently using the Berlin habit. get crazy with it! (not required for mission status)

get crazy with your ideas for coronets!

White face: Motion made to allow sisters to Mish face (not wearing white face)

Motion- to allow sisters to make the choice to white face or normal face- Motion Carried

experiment, see how it feels! If you go without white face make it known you’re a sister, wear a veil, or a broach that signifies you’re a Sister.

*dick squeak* (STEVEEEEEEEN!) (Seth got his cheese and a cookie, GO ME!) *dick squeak*

Media, not needed for mission status but good to get going on a logo

Bryan wants to do photos of the sisters and guards in face for a project (cover photo for the group, the website) (we’re gonna have a pretty website)

motion made and carried to make Tugger add Jacquelyn on Facebook

*dick squeaks*

Bolt and Kilief are working on a logo for us (thanks sluts!)

we need something for blessings; like rubber chickens, squeaky penises, or plastic pickles.

Zach volunteered to be be head of finding stuff for that, *dick squeaks*

Bryan threw her phone because someone sent him a spider picture. :c Please stop sending her spiders!

get yourself a Sister or Guard name its essential to your sister identity.

*dick squeaks*

check the group files to find a link that has a website to help with Sister names so you don’t have the same name as someone else- will be added to group documents!

Prepping for mission:

1 describe your house- tell the UNPC who you are a team!

2 list of members- write a short FUN bio!

3 list of meetings- post minutes for all meetings and take minutes.

4 (seth got praised, GO ME!) \

5 Extras- get creative on the coronet so we can start documenting them, no pressure right now. it takes time.

6 upload- upload application for mission status. applications are usually done through PDF on a website we create

7 deadline- apply at the unpc meeting to be voted on, third Monday every month 6pm eastern.

8 conference night- we will receive instructions to join a call to be voted on for mission status. no pressure just have fun as we wait for results. when were mission we get a “Co-mom” to help us through the process. (most likely Unity and Faegala) they would love to talk and be friends!

Coordinate with Bryan to get a photo done with him (sooner the better) get a fun bio together to be sent in for the website

Motion to take the mission status application process until December- motion carried.

Manifestations to come:

Tristate leather weekend November 19th at the CAC, were doing the blessing please manifest! Contact Bryan to be apart of the blessing!

November 19th is the picture bio (seths birthday get her drunk ;p )

November 30th is the bio deadline

Tristate Leather weekend blessing- Anyone can join in, contact Bryan to be apart of it.

We have no rules on how the blessing can be done other than a time restriction. *dick squeaks* (tugger got more cheese she’s so happy)

There is a current outline for the blessing to follow, again contact Bryan for that. the theme is “Trust, respect and love” to be voted on. (Bolt stood up to read it and gave everyone life. She a dork.) *dick squeak*

Motion to do Bolts tristate leather blessing idea- Motion carried. contact Bryan to be apart of it and figure out practice. This will take some memorization.

Les brought up some really good easy to remember blessings to do at bars for individuals: they will be loaded to the group docs. (points to her! you go queen!) come up with your own! get WEIRRRDDDDD!

Project Nunway, nov 18th in Columbus: Bryan and Tonka will be headed down. Event starts at 7pm! Glam it up! if you’d like to go and manifest coordinate with them on that ASAP. (busy girls!)

Holiday sister events discussed for planning: Ugly sweater Sister party/bar crawl *dick squeaks*

Queen city leather is the first weekend of December (dec 3rd)! be there! The court would love us to manifest since we are co hosting. Tonk and bolt volunteered to Emcee it.

House rules suggestions: The ten commandments of Sisterhood! something to lead the house by to set the tone for order and how to act/represent us to the public eye. (don’t embarrass us girls!) Motion made to have commandments- Motion carried

Move for our first commandment to be a “time to go girls!” clause (better name to come) – motion carried

Les elaborated on his idea for confessionals to be done as a way to do more community outreach. Just to be a shoulder to lean on or an ear to listen for people who just need someone to listen. We are NOT therapists. refer them to people who can provide professional health if needed. Spoken to Nigel at BZ to give us the cabaret once a month to do it if we choose to, To be discussed more at a later time. (Johns office is the bathroom stalls for these, she done claimed it) Les is the go to nun for this. (you go girl!) ◦

Meeting ended! Cya next time!